Making change stick
The best intended change plans can miss some key elements that make the change stick. To land the change initiative successfully, we need...

I need to know everything
It’s impossible to know *everything*, even if you are a recognised expert in your domain or the CEO. When we have been rewarded for our...

Great minds do not think alike...
Despite hearing the saying over and over in our lifetime, it’s not true that great minds think alike. In fact, it’s dangerous, yet we...

Lessons from the cockpit - below 10,000 feet
In Design Thinking…it’s known as a ‘mash up’. In the context of human performance, we would call it ‘psychological safety’. Through the...

Let's reward progress over perfection
In our work with leaders on building agile change leadership capability, we talk about ‘done is better than perfect’. Yet, the shift from...

Our expertise is a blessing and a curse
Think about your expertise: ·You’ve spent years building it, you get paid for it, you are rewarded for it, people seek you out for it. It...

What might change management look like in a post-pandemic world?
Since COVID-19 struck all corners of the globe and impacting how people work in almost every organisation, we experienced a period of...

Design Thinking helps us shift mindsets
A big part leading and managing change is to help others shift their #mindset. Design Thinking helps us do this. Design Thinking offers a...

Three universal truths about change
We know change is changing...yet some things do stay the same. Amidst the speed of change and disruption, some things stay the same....

Yes, you can change your mindset...
A fixed mindset is not fixed. We know that an adaptive, agile mindset is the one that will best equip us to lead and thrive in...

The best leaders are learners
Some people can quickly make sense of things and join the dots. Psychologist, Howard Gardner, in his work on 'multiple intelligences'...

How to get into change management
One of the most common questions Dr Jen Frahm and I are asked is “how do I get into change management?”. And whether it's traditional...