white papers
Please feel free to share them, and reference the material :)
hardwired human behaviour
emerging capabilities

#brainpickers media clips
Episode 1: Launch of #brainpickers
Episode 2: Change Fatigue
Episode 3: Change Capability
Episode 4: #brainpickerslive - our live Q&A at our joint book launch
Episode 5: Wanting to get into change management?
Episode 6: Microlearning
In #brainpickers, Dr Jen Frahm from Conversations of Change and I talk about hot topics in change management, with tips for leaders and change practitioners.
Lena Ross joins Dr Frahm, as guests on the following podcasts:
Natasha Redman from Casa de Cambio on Agile Change
Podcast on empathy and resilience in leadership with Andy Cleff from Agile Uprising.
published articles
Australian Institute of Training & Development (AITD) Magazine - MARCH 2020
New ways of working mean new ways of learning
workshop highlights
Here's some snippets from one of my workshops on implementing agile change. This content is now integrated in the Agile Change Manager online certificate program.
media clips
Watch our short clips and lightning talks on the #changehacksTM youtube channel!

Chatting with Dr Gene Bawden from Monash Art, Design & Architecture Faculty (MADA) on Where Design Thinking Meets Change Management
​​Five Principles for Agile Change Delivery in partnership with FLIMP Studios.
​​Convergence 2017 Change Management Conference highlights and my talk on Dare to Disrupt.
AgileAus Circles 2020 with Dr Jen Frahm on
Agile Change: Getting past frameworks and methodologies
Single View of Change Webcast with Paul Clavering from Just Enough Change
blogs & podcasts
Podcast on neuroscience of change with Dr Jen Frahm.
Podcast on how change is changing with Heather Stagl.
Podcast on writing a book with Dr Tracy Stanley.
Podcast with Ali Juma on his Inner Game of Change sessions on change management essentials.
Podcast with Arun Pradhan from Model Thinkers on Enabling Agile Change.
Podcast with Natasha Redman Casa de Cambio on The Agile Mindset​
Podcast with John Merkus Rise and Thrive Conversations for Greatness on Change Mastery & Mindset Secrets
slide decks
Slide decks on SlideShare. Most popular ones are:
10 Hot Tips for Yammer Adoption
10 Cracker Quotes on Agile Change Management
facilitating discussions
Facilitating meaningful discussions is critical to leading and planning a change approach.
Ditch the digital and find out more about using tactile tools as a facilitation aid.
Ponderfy cards to nudge the mindset, and more - on this site